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I wanted to be the man my father thought I could become.
"I wanted to be the man my father thought I could become. Events and incidents facilitated my growth beyond my wildest dreams. Yet even today in my elder statesmen’s years I wonder what he would think of me now.  I know that he would be proud of me, a working career accomplished and retired, becoming a writer to pass on the humor, bits of knowledge, among a few other things to readers. He loved my wife of now almost forty-six years of marriage. “Boy, you got a good one there, you better hold on to her,” he would say. Well daddy, I know a lot of people, including some other relatives, didn’t think we would be together two weeks. Sandra and I, after three children, are still kicking it.  There have been a lot of loving, missing each other, apologizing and compromising. There has been a re-evaluation of one’s true values, overcoming man-made obstacles, earned respect, maturing, devotion and continued loving to keep this marriage together on both our parts.
When I left Milwaukee in the fall of 1978 moving to California, my father only had one piece of advice for me. He had heard me complain time and time again about getting a real job. He saw my happiness at opening Katara-Rhythm, our little gift and record shop.  He felt my pain at having to close it, not because of a lack of customers, because I lacked the capital to expand. The bank told me, and rightly so, I could not get a loan without collateral. So close and yet so far from success, I choose to leave for greener pastures.  He knew I had a Government position waiting for me. His words of advice were thoughtful, deliberate and succinct. In his gruff voice and deep concern for my wife, two kids and a newborn baby echoed in his warning, “Boy, don’t you get out there and forget your family. You send for them as soon as you can, you hear?”  Alone, I drove all the way to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area, arriving around September 19, 1976.  My wife and kids arrived at Oakland International Airport the second week in December. Needless to say, daddy was happy with me.  He was a hard working family man that loved to fish and “take a nip now and then.”
In remembrance of who he was and what he stood for, this book is not only dedicated to my wife but to you daddy. It has been a wild ride, this thing called life, and it is not over yet. God has allowed me to survive and I hope I am making him proud of me too.
In the end, this book is compiled for you the public. Some of you know me, most don’t.  I believe God gave me a gift and wanted me to share it with you. It’s a way of looking at life from my perspective. I hope you are moved to think about your own lives, family, politics, religion, etc. from reading these articles. The words are meant to give you pause and reflection. You can take it from there. As for me, like the Johnny Taylor song says, hey world, I am still kicking it and … “I’m doing my own thing.”   
Peace, and make it a day that Jesus Christ would be proud of,     
Codis Hampton II

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Part of the following taken from Authors Note 6 of The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp.

In 2001, I’d created two characters for my Katara-Rhythm on-line newsletter. I thought of the old familiar term, “If I could be a fly on the wall” and created Kyle & Jamal. They are two buddies who have different political perspectives and don’t look like your normal human being. Actually, they are a couple of flies. Both consider themselves independents. Make no mistake; the two are not your everyday houseflies. You will meet and hopefully be impressed with two city-slick hip flies that are consumed with curiosity while having an insatiable need to know just who are these men and women of the new Bush Administration. As you get to know these two insects they will take you into private meetings, even the so-called undisclosed location inhabited so many days and months by Dick Chaney.
They not only cover political halls or offices in Washington, they get into all kinds people business and private conversations. There are eleven articles in this book.
I’ve had people inquire about their absence in my latest blogs. Therefore, we have brought them back to check out celebrities, politicians, even normal folk’s conversations and actions. Their escapes will appear here at Hamp’s C of A website. They even have their own tab, appropriately entitled Kyle and Jamal.    Author, Codis Hampton II
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Authors Book, entitled "The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp"

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